Prism-IPX and TPL Systèmes Have Joined Forces to Create a Secure, Low Latency and Cost Effective 2-way Communications Solution to Improve Staff Responsiveness
In Critical care situations knowing the location and availability of key resources is critical when time is of the essence. The Staff Response and Location Solution addresses this by the use of multiple, proven, integrated technologies:
Bluetooth Beacons-These low power devices can be distributed throughout the desired coverage area broadcasting their individual ID.
Birdy SLIM IoT Wireless Communicator- This software-based device is a receiver with a low-power transmitter that can be programmed for a variety of applications. It can receive digital text messages and, if programmed, respond automatically, confirming receipt of the message along with its location based on the Bluetooth Beacon ID detected. The device also supports User-initiated responses for emergencies and automatic responses for situations such as out-of-range or Low Battery.
PocOverIP Gateway– These Gateways are placed in select locations in order to capture Birdy SLIM IoT transmissions and pass along this information to Management Server for processing.
Management Server– A web based controller that processes the Gateway’s transmissions and performs the following:
- Routes responses to designated devices/Systems (e.g., Cell Phones, email, other Birdy SLIM IoT devices, 911 Centers , etc.)
- Maintains a historical database on device status such as call completions, responses, status along with Bluetooth Beacon location mapping.